My Storey : (Very Emotional)

Created by Amy 12 years ago
My Story: Our little girl came into our lives as special as the moment we knew when the pregnancy test became positive. Me and Tony were the happiest people, We were looking forward to her being in our lives.Every scan we had was the best moment of our lives, seeing her suck her thumb when we found out she was a little girl. She was a much wanted baby. She had a beautiful big sister called Paige and how it meant alot for Paige to have a little sister she always wanted, She was helping choose little things for Jazmyn and more importantly, it meant alot to me knowing that Paige would have a close bond with Jazmyn, Paige came to find out if she was having a little brother or sister on 30th August and it made all 3 of us so happy when we found out she was a little girl. On Sunday 11th September, i experienced PPROM (Preterm Premture Ruption of Membranes)i was rushed into hospital where i found out that all my amniotic fluid had nothing protecting her, she was still with us and i felt her little kick inside me as if telling me not to give up on her. I was sent home to bed rest until Thursday 15th September where i could be scanned again to see if any fluid had regained but unfortunately i never got that far to find out as I became unwell on the Wednesday, I was rushed in again to be told that i had contracted an infection and that my life was now in danger and nothing could be done to save our little girl, she was still alive fighting and the emotional pain i had to go through to choose myself over her will always be with me. I gave birth to Jazmyn on Thursday 15th September at 14:55. She was the most beautiful little baby i ever saw, so peaceful sleeping in my arms. Me and Tony shared some precious moments with her until i became too unwell to hold her anymore. The infection i had was Sepsis & Chorioamniostis, my lungs were shutting down and the blood infection was spreading throughout, i was rushed to ITU being warned to my family that i may not make it through the night. I was fighting for my life now and without my family by side and the exceptional care from the nurses, i doubt i would be here now sharing my thoughts and feelings. The following weeks, were the worst ive ever had to go through, for me it was three stages, firstly being told that i was loosing Jazmyn, secondly becoming so poorly and lastly the raw emotional feeling i felt after and facing her furneral. We still think about her everyday, she was our precious angel and me and Tony always say now how lucky we were to have her in our lives, even if it was for only a short moment. She was just to beautiful to live in our world so she was called to be with her nanny and Grandad. I love you Precious Angel. Mommy Daddy think about you everyday and talk about you as if you were still growing inside me xxxxx